GCC Digital Signage Best Practices

  • The purpose of digital signage for the campus screens is to communicate important information clearly and quickly while being visually pleasing. The slides appear on screen for ten seconds: avoid using too much information and using low-quality photos.

  • Artboard dimensions for digital signage are 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels (or 16:9 ratio). 
    Final file format should be JPEG.

  • Please stay within the brand guidelines - glendale.edu/BrandGuidelines. Consistency is key.


Download: GCC Digital Signage Best Practices (pdf)

Best Practices

1 Make it legible

Legible copy makes it easy for viewers to read and understand the message from a distance and on the move. A majority of the screens on campus are placed far above sight line and slides appear for only ten seconds, so designing for this perspective is important. The following are essential to legibility:

  1. Large font sizes are best.
    72-point font is roughly 1” in height.

  2. Keep it short.
    Your message should be concise. Consider including just the name of the event, date, time, contact information, and maybe a short blurb. Adding QR codes to a graphic can help direct interested parties to a page where more information lives.

  3. Use sans serif fonts.
    Use bold face fonts as these are easiest to read at a glance. To align digital signage with the GCC brand, please visit the fonts page available online in the GCC Brand Guidelines (glendale.edu/BrandGuidelines).

2 Design for Accessibility

The 2010 Department of Justice published the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. Under this law, all electronic and information technology must be accessible for persons with disabilities, including digital signage. Consider the following for accessible design:

  1. Text: Text should be large enough that it can be read from a distance.

  2. Color: The color of your font should be in high contrast with the background

Design for Accessibility text and color grid

3 Less is more
Your graphic should include short and concise messaging. Not sure? See if you can read it in ten seconds or less while on the move. A good rule to follow is the 3x5 rule: limit the amount of text to 3 lines of text, each with 5 words or less, or 5 lines of text with 3 words or less.

4 Visuals, visuals, visuals
Imagery should add to your message and never take away.

  1. Use high-resolution images.
  2. Do not use clipart.
  3. Avoid clutter.
    Limit the number of images to: one if it’s going to be large, two for medium-sized imagery, and three if they will be fairly small. 

5 Call to action
If your graphic is intended to get viewers to do something, make sure that your message is 
concise and clear and that you include specifics (date, time, location, contact information).

6 GCC Logo Optional
Because the campus screens reach an internal audience, including the GCC logo is optional. If 
there is not enough contrast for the logo to be seen clearly, please do not include it on your screen graphic.
For more information on logo use, please visit glendale.edu/BrandGuidelines.



Screen Graphic: Click on each thumbnail to download a specific screen graphic template (in PowerPoint format)
To access template, please use your GCC username and password.

Choose from 5 template options:

GCC Screen Graphics Templates 01GCC Screen Graphics Templates 02GCC Screen Graphics Templates 03GCC Screen Graphics Templates 04GCC Screen Graphics Templates 05

GCC Digital Signage Samples

GCC Digital Signage Best Practices Undocutalks

  • High contrast between background and text.
  • Clear message and call to action.
  • Relative, high-quality imagery.
  • Aligns with GCC brand.

GCC Digital Signage Best Practices Bookstore

  • High contrast between background and text.
  • Large, bold sans serif font.
  • Clear, concise message and call to action.
  • High-quality imagery.
  • GCC logo is visible and clear.
  • Aligns with GCC brand.

If you have any questions or would like someone to review your design,
please email the Office of Communications at comms@glendale.edu.