The GCC brand color palette reflects similar hues from the original colors of cardinal and gold. The new color palette uses cardinal and gold for the primary palette and adds white and three additional grays as neutral colors for the secondary palette. By simplifying the color palette, brand consistency and loyalty is created across the applications.

The cardinal honors the original GCC brand. The color is deepened to reflect a more vibrant contrast and legibility when paired with the gold. The deeper cardinal has a stronger presence and a collegiate sensibility. The gold is a true golden hue and has a dynamic contrast when paired with the cardinal. The secondary palette complements the primary colors to balance and enhance the overall color palette.

Palladium Bold mirrors GCC’s contemporary values through a bold serif. The font’s thickness in weight creates easy legibility and also reflects the ideas of stability and bold presence.

GCC Brand Guidelines COLORS

When and where possible, always use the cardinal and gold.


Cardinal and gold should always be used as your main colors (headers, color blocks) and the shades of grey as accents. There may be times you want to incorporate tints of the the cardinal or gold to create visual interest and movement. Below are variations in tint:

GCC Brand Guidelines COLORS variations

The official GCC fonts, Kepler and Proxima Nova, were chosen for their clarity, longevity, and variety in font weights.

Recommended use: Official documents, copy

GCC Brand Guidelines fonts Keppler


Recommended use: Header text (titles), copy, general use

GCC Brand Guidelines fonts Proxima Nova


serifWhat is a serifed font exactly? In typography, the additional line (or flourish) at the end of the larger letter is called a serif.

We recommend using serifs for body copy and/or official documents. If Kepler isn’t available, please use the following free Google Fonts available for download:

Lora download  Libre Baskerville downloadGCC Brand Guidelines fonts serif


sans serifUnlike their cousins serif fonts, sans serif fonts do not have the added line on each characters – sans being the French word for without.

Recommended uses for this class of fonts are: header/title text, copy, and general use. If Proxima Nova isn’t available, please use the following Google Fonts available for download:

Lato download   Raleway download

GCC Brand Guidelines fonts sans serif