Senate Committees

Complete description of each committee is available in the Senate By Laws

1. Executive Committee

Chairperson:  Senate President, Cameron Hastings    email:

Meets 1 week prior to the Senate convening.

Duties: To consider such matters as fall within the purview of the Senate (10+1), to formulate recommendations and opinions on these matters and to forward such recommendations and opinions to the Senate or the appropriate committees.

2. Elections Committee
Chairperson:  Senate Secretary, Sangita Dube     email:

To devise procedures for election of members to the Senate and the election of Senate Officers.

3. Budget Advisory Committee
The Budget Advisory Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. Define and implement the Academic Senate's role in the college's budget process.
  2. Make recommendations regarding the GCC budget.
  3. Solicit Senate Innovation Grant (SIG) applications and allocate available SIG funds.  Communicate with Foundation Office regarding available SIG funds.
  4. Develop budget recommendations for initiatives approved by the Academic Senate, or referred by the Senate Executive.

4. Committee on Distance Education (CoDE)    

DE Faculty Center includes DE Policies and Procedures
Chairperson:  Piper Rooney     email:

Mission: The mission on the Committee of Distance on Education (CoDE) is to cultivate policies and promote practices that contribute to the quality and growth of distance education at Glendale Community College.

With the understanding that faculty should have the primary responsibility for developing policies and promoting distance education practices, CoDE will support a learner-centered program designed to further student success by making recommendations to the Academic Senate. Each CoDE member will represent his/her division and act as a resource to all faculty members within their division regarding exploration, development, and implementation of strong pedagogical online strategies in the distance education environment.

5. Curriculum & Instruction Committee (C & I)   link to the C & I webpage
Chairperson:  Paul Vera     email:

C & I 2016-2017 and Prior
Specifically, the Committee reviews and recommends:

  1. All new and revised courses proposed by divisions
  2. All new hours and units for credit courses
  3. New and revised Associate Degrees
  4. New and revised certificates
  5. Prerequisites, corequisites, recommended preparations
  6. Course repetition, credit by exam, credit/no credit
  7. Associate Degree degree/non-degree applicable and/or transferable coursework
  8. Courses appropriate for specific Associate degree requirements, CSU breadth requirements, and IGETC requirements
  9. All curriculum changes for the catalog
  10. All course and program deletions for the catalog and the dictionary; and it ensures that proposed new and revised courses are in the approved format and in compliance with community college standards and regulations

6. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee

Co-Chairs: Sangita Dube     email:
and Maite Peterson email:

Mission Statement:

The Academic Senate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee is committed to cultivating and promoting practices to sustain a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible environment by advocating for, engaging with, and empowering the campus community. Our commitment extends to collaborating with faculty, staff, students, and administrators to ensure that the principles of DEIA are integrated into every aspect of academic life, and services, fostering a campus culture that values and supports the well-being of all its members.

7. Disciplines List Committee

Chairperson:  Hazel Ramos     email:

  1. Monitor disciplines' list changes made by the Senate and at the state level in order to maintain the College's disciplines' list
  2. Recommend to the Senate placement of courses within disciplines.
  3. Recommend action to the Senate in the case of disputes about the discipline of a course.
  4. Approve appropriate equivalencies for faculty.

8. Learning Outcomes and Assessments Committee   link to the Learning Outcomes webpage

Chairperson:  Yvette Ybarra     email:

The primary mission of the Learning Outcomes Committee is to provide coordination and leadership for outcomes-based assessment.
Key Goals:

  1. Develop policies and provide comprehensive training materials and professional development opportunities on outcomes-based assessment for administrators, faculty and classified staff.
  2. Support college implementation of assessment management system.
  3. Collaborate in the development of institutional efforts for academic program learning outcome assessment (e.g. assessment plan)
  4. Support and encourage dialogue of assessment activities and results across the College.
  5. Develop a systematic plan for assessing General Education areas.
  6. Review and help align the reporting cycles with institutional planning, program review and budget allocation.

9. Open Educational Resources (OER) Committee 

Chairperson:  Caroline Hallam     email:

Mission: The purpose of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Committee is to leverage our engagement with OER at Glendale Community College. Our goals are: to encourage the awareness, adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER materials across the college; to recommend institutional policies surrounding OER procedures and responsibilities, training and professional development, licensing and formatting, and quality assurance; and to develop Z-Degree (Zero Textbook Cost Degree) Pathways for our students. 

10. Scholarship Committee

The Senate Scholarship Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. Review the Scholarship Applications
  2. Rank the Scholarship Applications
  3. Submit the rankings to the Senate Exec for approval
  4. Arrange for the Scholarship Award presentation at the May faculty meeting.