Glendale Community College
Home MenuMeetings
There are several ways to become more active around the GCC campus by attending meetings.
- Check with your division about special committees or communities of practice
- Most meetings occur during College Hour, 12:20 pm - 1:30 pm. The meetings are useful to attend but are optional for adjunct faculty members.
- Division Meetings: first Tuesday of each month, 12:20 pm - 1:30 pm
- Discussions about new policy, curriculum changes, etc. within the division
- Check with your division for location
- Faculty Meetings: second Tuesday of each month, 12:20 pm - 1:30 pm in Kreider Hall, SR 138, or via Zoom
- Updates about new programs at GCC, updates from the GCC President, etc.
- Food usually provided
- Guild (faculty union) Meetings: third Tuesday of each month, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm in Kreider Hall, SR 138, or via Zoom
- Discussions on contract negotiations, raises, improving work conditions, etc.
- Food always provided