Student Conduct and Discipline

One of the instructor's roles in the classroom is to protect the learning environment for all students.  Discipline issues need to be dealt with promptly and should not be allowed to ruin the learning environment for others. Remember that you are in charge and that your authority should not be undermined.  You can ask a disruptive student to leave your classroom for two consecutive class periods, but you need to immediately contact Tzoler Oukayan (SC 204), the Dean of Student Affairs, at 818-240-1000 x5594 or  Further action toward dismissing the student from your class needs to be initiated by her office.  

You can also contact Tzoler Oukayan's office if you have questions about how to deal with a particular discipline problem in your classroom.  They've seen it all through the years and can often offer advice on how to proceed.

As instructors at GCC, we are here to teach rather than constantly police disruptive students.  If a student or group of students is making you and the rest of the class miserable and you've asked/demanded that they change their ways, then it's time to reach out to the Dean of Student Affairs.  

If you have a disruptive student whom you feel is posing a danger, contact campus police at x4000 from any campus phone or (818) 409-5911.  It's a good idea to put this number in your phone so that it's readily available in an emergency.

Please keep your Division Chair informed of any incidents that require reaching out to the Dean of Student Affairs or the campus police.

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