Glendale Community College
Home MenuC & I Committee Mission and Composition (revised Fall 2022)
Composition: The Curriculum & Instruction committee (C&I) shall consist of a faculty co-chair appointed by the Senate and an administrative co-chair appointed by the Vice President, Instructional Services. The voting membership of the C&I Committee consists of its co-chairs, a faculty member from each division, the Articulation Officer, a faculty librarian, and a student representative. Voting members of C&I from each academic division are appointed by their division for a term of three years, which may be renewed. Instructional Deans serve as resources only. Resource members also include a representative from the catalog; a Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility (DEIA) resource; the Dean of Research, Planning, and Grants or designee; and the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) committee chair/committee designee to attend meetings on an as-needed basis.
Mission: The Curriculum & Instruction committee is a senate committee. The Curriculum & Instruction committee's charge is to recommend actions upon all curricular matters, to ensure the integrity of the institution’s educational programs, and to promote diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible curriculum that supports GCC’s commitment to create and uphold an antiracist and anti-bias learning environment. Specifically, the Committee reviews and recommends:
- All new and revised courses and programs proposed by divisions;
- Using the Equity Guide and other DEIA resources in the review process to promote DEIA pedagogy;
- Adhering to the approved format and complying with community college standards and regulations for all new and revised courses and programs;
- All new hours and units for credit courses;
- New and revised Associate Degrees and Associate Degrees for Transfer (AD-T);
- New and revised certificates and skill awards;
- Prerequisites, corequisites, recommended preparations;
- Course repetition, credit by exam, credit/no credit;
- Associate Degree, degree/non-degree, applicable and/or transferable coursework;
- Courses appropriate for specific Associate Degree requirements, California State University (CSU) Breadth requirements, and Intersegmental General Education Curriculum (IGETC) requirements;
- All curriculum changes for the catalog.