Percentages of Acceptable Verification

A breakdown of percentages of acceptable activities and types of required verifications which qualify for Flex Credit.

Full-Time fac - mandatory

Full-Time - elective

* 20% = up to 6 hours for a Full-Time instructor w/ a 30 hour obligation.

wellness – information or skills which will assist individuals to be mentally and physically, better prepared to perform their jobs (e.g. workshops in stress reduction, self-defense, nutrition, exercise, weight reduction, etc.)

organized mentoring - work in an organized advisement program for students, verified by Division Chair or program coordinator. Organized mentoring/student advisement sign-in forms may be obtained from Division Chairs and must be used as verification.

For a more comprehensive breakdown, please consult the Flex Manual (pdf)


20% of a Full-Time DE instructor’s required Flex hours MUST specifically relate to Distance Education (i.e. webinars, conferences, on campus workshops).

Part-Time DE instructors must complete a total of 3 Flex Hours specifically related to Distance Education (i.e. webinars, conferences, on campus workshops).

Any faculty member can participate in Distance Education workshop, conferences, webinar, presentation or online certification learning modules.