Improving Student Equity Literacy

Equity Literacy is the awareness of inequities in society and how those inequities create highly diverse experiences and perspectives. The core of WAC Plus' Equity Literacy Initiative is "Tense Moments" Workshops and faculty book discussion groups.  

At "Tense Moments" Workshops, faculty discuss specific challenges that may arise in classrooms when issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia or any other issues that trigger an emotional reaction in instructors and other students arise.  The goal of these workshops is to help faculty create and maintain a classroom environment where all feel safe and where all viewpoints and assumptions are open to be debated, questioned, or challenged and where conflict and tension lead to learning.  "Hot Moments" Workshops are typically held in the first month of the fall and spring semesters

Recent book discussion groups have been focused on Between the World and Me by Tanehisi Coates and Teaching to Transgress by Bell Hooks. Faculty Book Discussion Groups are typically held during the winter and summer semesters.