2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
PEREZ, LEO | TG-1 | Admissions%20%26%20Records | ext. 3948 | lperez@glendale.edu |
PEREZ, ERICA | HS 212 | Facilities | ext. 5555 | eperez@glendale.edu |
PERERA, SONALI MARINA | SG 155 | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Healthcare%20Administration | ext. 5753 | smperera@glendale.edu |
PEREGRINO, SHELDON | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Theatre%20Arts | | speregrino@glendale.edu |
PEPRAH, EBENEEZER "KOFI" | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Geography | | epeprah@glendale.edu |
PENNIE, JOYCE | HS 212 | Facilities | ext. 5555 | jpennie@glendale.edu |
PEDROZA, GILBERT | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Fire%20Technology | | gpedroza@glendale.edu |
PEDRAZA, ISAAC | TG 1 | Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development%2C%20Veterans | ext. 3333 | ipedraza@glendale.edu |
PAYAN, ROSE-MARIE | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Economics | | rpayan@glendale.edu |
PAWLIKOWSKI, YVONNE | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art%20History | | ipawliko@glendale.edu |
PAUL, DANIEL | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art%20History | | dpaul@glendale.edu |
PATROSSIAN, EVET | SV 315 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20EOPS%20-%20Extended%20Opportunity%20Programs%20and%20Services | ext. 5564 | ekadkhod@glendale.edu |
PATRON, EUNICE | SV 346 | Financial%20Aid | ext. 3240 | epatron@glenadale.edu |
PASCUAL, EMMANUEL | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Accounting%20%28Academic%29 | | epascual@glendale.edu |
PARYPINSKI, JOANNA | SV 216 | %20English%20Division | ext. 5516 | jparypin@glendale.edu |
PARKS, LEE | VQ 218 | %20Kinesiology%20Division%2C%20DSPS | ext. 5557 | lparks@glendale.edu |
PARKER, STEVEN | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Sociology | | sparker@glendale.edu |
PARKER, RANDAL | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Philosophy | | rparker@glendale.edu |
PARK, NOJUN MIKE | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | nojunpark@glendale.edu |
PARANSKY, VLADIMIR | SR 338 | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Science%20Information%20Systems | ext. 3092 | vparansky@glendale.edu |
PAPIENSKI, TIM | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Architecture | | tpapiens@glendale.edu |
PAPAZYAN, ARMINE | Garfield Campus TR 213 | CASAS%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 3068 | arminep@glendale.edu |
PANGANIBAN, JANETTE | Garfield Campus | %20Noncredit%20Business%20%26%20Life%20Skills%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education%2C%20Office%2C%20Computers%2C%20Accounting%20Noncredit | ext. 1344 | janettep@glendale.edu |
PANEC, CARYN | Garfield Campus MP 211 | %20Noncredit%20Business%20%26%20Life%20Skills%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education%2C%20Parent%20Education%20CE%2C%20Student%20Success%20Center | ext. 5686 | cpanec@glendale.edu |
PANCZENKO, ANDRALENA | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | apanczenko@glendale.edu |
PALMA, JORGE | AT 206 | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Aided%20Manufacturing | ext. 5561 | jpalma@glendale.edu |
PALERMO, SUZANNE | SG 319 | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | ext. 5695 | spalermo@glendale.edu |
PAIJOOK, JULIET | Garfield Campus TR 200 | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 5691 | jpaijook@glendale.edu |
PACZYNSKI, PAT | Civic Center 111- CC111 | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Dance | ext. 5742 | ppaczyns@glendale.edu |