2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
TRAYNOR, NANCY | AD 145-E | Curriculum | ext. 5312 | ntraynor@glendale.edu |
TRAN, NICOLE | SR 2nd Floor (Student Equity Office) | Student%20Equity | ext. 3377 | ntran@glendale.edu |
SMITH, NICHOLAS | CS 183 | %20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Speech | ext. 5504 | nsmith@glendale.edu |
SHISHEGAR, NUSHA | SV 393 | International%20Students | ext. 5440 | nshishegar@glendale.edu |
SHEETS, NATHANIEL | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Geography%2C%20Social%20Science | | nsheets@glendale.edu |
SATO, NAOMI | Garfield Campus TR 200-C | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 5026 | nsato@glendale.edu |
SAMANI, NICOLE | SV, 3rd Floor | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | ext. 5918 | nsamani@glendale.edu |
RICO-CORRALES, NOEL | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Chemistry | | nricocorrales@glendale.edu |
AHMADPOUR, NOUSHIN | SV 314 | Tuition | ext. 5313 | noushina@glendale.edu |
PARK, NOJUN MIKE | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | nojunpark@glendale.edu |
NICASSIO, NICHOLAS | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Credit%20Division%2C%20%20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | nnicassio@glendale.edu |
NAZARI, NARBEH | SM 153 | Police | ext. 3047 | nnazari@glendale.edu |
MORALES, NICOLE | AD245 | Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development | (818) 240-1000 ext. 5906 | nmorales@glendale.edu |
MELAMED, NILOUFAR | | %20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Speech | | nmelamed@glendale.edu |
MANOOKI, NAREH | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Engineering | | nmanooki@glendale.edu |
MAFFIT, NONAH | AD 145 | Instructional%20Services | ext. 5153 | nmaffit@glendale.edu |
LIMA, NICHOLAS | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Fire%20Technology | | nlima@glendale.edu |
LANDIVAR, NATALIE | AD 114 | Business%20Services%2C%20PBX | ext. 0 | nlandiva@glendale.edu |
KESHISHIAN, NARINEH NATALIE | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | nkeshish@glendale.edu |
JABBARI, NILOUFAR | | %20Kinesiology%20Division%2C%20Kinesiology | | njabbari@glendale.edu |
SAHAKYAN, NICK | LB 201 | %20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Armenian | ext. 3129 | nicks@glendale.edu |
HISE, NICOLE | AD 143-A | Human%20Resources | ext. 3135 | nhise@glendale.edu |
HANSON , NICOLETTE | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Aviation | | nhanson@glendale.edu |
GONZALEZ, ALEJANDRA | AD 251 | Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development | ext. 5302 | ngonzalez@glendale.edu |
GHODOUSI, NAHAL | SV 383 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Transfer%20Center | ext. 5419 | nghodous@glendale.edu |
GARIBYAN, NARE | SV 359 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | ext. 5418 | ngaribya@glendale.edu |
NEWBERRY, LARRY | SG 151 | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | ext. 5656 | newberry@glendale.edu |
CARTHEW, NEIL | SM 153 | Police | ext. 5205 | neilc@glendale.edu |
DERVISHIAN, NUNE | SG 129 | %20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Speech | | ndervishian@glendale.edu |
COE, NUNE | SV 135 | Computer%20Labs%20-%20Verdugo%20Campus%2C%20Library%20%26%20Learning%20Support%20Services | ext. 5400 | ncoe@glendale.edu |
CHAWAREEWONG, NORACHAI | | %20Business%20Division | | nchawareewong@glendale.edu |
BRAVO, NICHOLAS | SV 322 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20EOPS%20-%20Extended%20Opportunity%20Programs%20and%20Services | ext. 5571 | nbravo@glendale.edu |