2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
ALVAREZ, JESSICA | SV 317 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20EOPS%20-%20Extended%20Opportunity%20Programs%20and%20Services | ext. 3588 | jalvarez@glendale.edu |
ACUNA, JONATHAN | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Astronomy%2C%20Physics | | jacuna@glendale.edu |
VARDANYAN, IVETA | SV 335 | Admissions%20%26%20Records | ext. 5117 | ivardanyan@glendale.edu |
KASIMOFF, IVAN | | %20ESL%20Credit%20Division | | ivank@glendale.edu |
SALAS, ISMAN | AD 145 | Instructional%20Services | ext. 5156 | ismans@glendale.edu |
SHIM, IRENE | SV, 3rd Floor | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20International%20Students | | ishim@glendale.edu |
ISAYAN, SEVADA | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Science%20Information%20Systems | | isayan@glendale.edu |
SHUMAKOVA, IRINA | SV, 3rd Floor | %20Student%20Services%20Division | ext. 5428 | irina@glendale.edu |
RIEDEL, ISABELA | | %20English%20Division | | iriedel@glendale.edu |
PEDRAZA, ISAAC | TG 1 | Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development%2C%20Veterans | ext. 3333 | ipedraza@glendale.edu |
PAWLIKOWSKI, YVONNE | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art%20History | | ipawliko@glendale.edu |
OVSEPYAN, IVETA | Garfield Campus MP 211 | %20Noncredit%20Business%20%26%20Life%20Skills%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education%2C%20Student%20Success%20Center | ext. 5050 | iovsepya@glendale.edu |
THOMPSON, INGER | SR 354 | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Psychology | ext. 5458 | ingert@glendale.edu |
MOVSESYAN, ILONA | SV 3rd FL | Career%20Services | ext. 5407 | imovsesyan@glendale.edu |
MARKOULAKIS, IOANNIS | AU 118 | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Music | | imarkoulakis@glendale.edu |
HIRSCHHORN, ILANA | AU 106-A | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Theatre%20Arts | ext. 5618 | ihirschhorn@glendale.edu |
EGUIZARIAN, INGA | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | ieguizar@glendale.edu |
DER HOVANESSIAN, IDA | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | idad@glendale.edu |
BYCHINSKAYA, INESSA | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Chemistry | | ibychinskaya@glendale.edu |
BOYAJYAN, IZABELA | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Architecture | | iboyajya@glendale.edu |
TRAN, HEATHER | SV, 3rd FL | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | ext. 5918 | htran@glendale.edu |
TOVMASIAN, HASMIK | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | htovmasian@glendale.edu |
STRAIGHT, HAZEL | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Ceramics | | hstraight@glendale.edu |
RAMOS, HEATHER | AD 220 | %20English%20Division | ext. 5459 | hramos@glendale.edu |
ONG, HAI | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | hong@glendale.edu |
NEWMAN, ROBERT | TG 106 | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Aviation | ext. 5544 | hnewman@glendale.edu |
MORADI, HERMINEH | | %20Biology%20Division | | hmoradi@glendale.edu |
MAROUTI, HASMIC | Garfield Campus MP 309 | Computer%20Labs%20-%20Garfield%20Campus%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 5092 | hmarouti@glendale.edu |
MALEKIAN, HELMA | AD 116 | Accounting | ext. 5131 | hmalekia@glendale.edu |
KERSTEIN, HELEN | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | hkerstein@glendale.edu |
JOO, HANNAH | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Ethnic%20Studies | | hjoo@glendale.edu |
JENKINS, HEIDI | AD 143 | Human%20Resources | ext. 5164 | hjenkins@glendale.edu |