2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
ALLEN, RODERICK | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Business%20Administration | | rodallen@glendale.edu |
ALVAREZ, JESSICA | SV 317 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20EOPS%20-%20Extended%20Opportunity%20Programs%20and%20Services | ext. 3588 | jalvarez@glendale.edu |
ALVAREZ, KELLY | Civic Center 111- CC111 | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Dance | ext. 5742 | kalvarez@glendale.edu |
ALVILLAR, DIANE | LB 121 | ITS | ext. 5183 | dianea@glendale.edu |
AMBA, CONRAD | AD 245 | Research%2C%20Planning%2C%20%26%20Grants | ext. 5390 | camba@glendale.edu |
AMBARTSUMYAN, KRISTINE | SV 345 | Financial%20Aid | ext. 5437 | kambart@glendale.edu |
AMINI, AFSHIN | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Science%20Information%20Systems | | aamini@glendale.edu |
AMIRIAN, ANNETTE | Garfield Campus | %20Noncredit%20Business%20%26%20Life%20Skills%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education%2C%20Office%2C%20Computers%2C%20Accounting%20Noncredit | | aamirian@glendale.edu |
AMIRIAN, ARPI | SR 2nd Floor (Student Equity & Achievement Office) | Student%20Equity | (818) 240-1000 ext. 5127 | arpia@glendale.edu |
AN, HANNAH | Garfield Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | han@glendale.edu |
ANDERSON, ENOCH | | %20English%20Division | | eanderso@glendale.edu |
ANDERSON, SHELLEY | CDC | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Child%20Development | ext. 5665 | sanderso@glendale.edu |
ANDRADE, KELLY | SM 267 | Multicultural%20%26%20Community%20Engagement%20Center%20%28MCEC%29 | ext. 5580 | kandrade@glendale.edu |
ANDRIASSIAN, ALEN | SV 371 | %20Student%20Services%20Division | ext. 5126 | aandrias@glendale.edu |
ANDZHU, ARMENUHI | SV 397 | International%20Students | ext. 5439 | aandzhu@glendale.edu |
ANOUCHIAN, MARLEN | Garfield Campus MP 309 | Computer%20Labs%20-%20Garfield%20Campus%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 5092 | manouchi@glendale.edu |
ANTONICH MATIC, ALEKSANDRA | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art%20History | | aantonic@glendale.edu |
AQUE, JONN | SV 380 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | ext. 5426 | jaque@glendale.edu |
AQUINO, ELIZABETH | Garfield Campus TR 200 | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | ext. 4522 | eaquino@glendale.edu |
ARAGON, JAMES | | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | | jaragon@glendale.edu |
ARAKELYAN, OVANES | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Music | | oarakelyan@glendale.edu |
ARAMYAN, SUSANNA | Verdugo Campus | %20ESL%20Noncredit%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education | | saramyan@glendale.edu |
ARECHIGA, JOSE | HS 107 | Facilities | ext. 5219 | jarechiga@glendale.edu |
ARMEN, FLORA | SG 128 | DSPS | ext. 5453 | farmen@glendale.edu |
ARMSTRONG, ANNE | | %20English%20Division | | aarmstrong@glendale.edu |
ARONOFF, SHELLEY | Garfield Campus TR 201 | Library%2C%20Library%20%26%20Learning%20Support%20Services%2C%20Library%20Liaison | ext. 5763 | saronoff@glendale.edu |
ARONS, RICHARD | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Animation | | rarons@glendale.edu |
ARTUNI, MARINEH | SC 202 | Student%20Affairs | ext. 5595 | martuni@glendale.edu |
ARTUNYAN, ANAHIT | Garfield Campus MP 211 | %20Noncredit%20Business%20%26%20Life%20Skills%20Division%2C%20Continuing%20Education%2C%20Student%20Success%20Center | ext. 5045 | anahita@glendale.edu |
ARVISO, DEBRA | | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | | darviso@glendale.edu |
ARZUMANIAN, ARA | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Child%20Development | | aarzumanian@glendale.edu |
ASAAD, SAIF | | %20Mathematics%20Division | | sasaad@glendale.edu |