2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
CRAN, KENNETH | | %20English%20Division | | kcran@glendale.edu |
CERVANTES, ANGEL | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20History | (818) 388-9303 | angelc@glendale.edu |
COULTER, CHRIS | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Music | ext. 1302 | ccoulter@glendale.edu |
CARDONA, RAFAEL | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Business%20Administration | | rcardona@glendale.edu |
CROSBY, JEFFERY | | %20ESL%20Credit%20Division | | jcrosby@glendale.edu |
CIUCA, RAZVAN | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | rciuca@glendale.edu |
CASEY, CHRISTOPHER L. | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Administration%20of%20Justice | | ccasey@glendale.edu |
CHAWAREEWONG, NORACHAI | | %20Business%20Division | | nchawareewong@glendale.edu |
CAMARGO, DANTE | | %20ESL%20Credit%20Division%2C%20%20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Spanish | | dantec@glendale.edu |
CARRERA, VICTOR | | %20Kinesiology%20Division%2C%20Athletics | | vcarrera@glendale.edu |
CARRASCO, MAYBOLL | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Political%20Science | | mcarrasco@glendale.edu |
CASTRO, BRYAN | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Economics | | bcastro@glendale.edu |
CASOLARI, AMBER | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Economics | | casolari@glendale.edu |
CASTRO, MARTA | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Healthcare%20Administration | | mcastro@glendale.edu |
CANON, SHERRI | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Music | | scanon@glendale.edu |
CASTILLO, LEIZA | | %20English%20Division | | lcastillo@glendale.edu |
COURDUFF, JACQUELINE | | %20English%20Division | | jcourduff@glendale.edu |
COSMA, CIPRIAN | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Aviation | | ccosma@glendale.edu |
CAMPOS, RODOLFO | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Sociology | | rcampos@glendale.edu |
CARROLL, JOHN | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Geology%2C%20Oceanography | | jcarroll@glendale.edu |
CUNNINGHAM, KRYSTEN | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Studio%20Arts | | kcunningham@glendale.edu |
CRAMER, KEVIN | | %20Mathematics%20Division | | kcramer@glendale.edu |
CASTILLO, CHRISTOPHER | | %20Biology%20Division | | ccastillo@glendale.edu |
CALICCHIO, DAVID | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Photography | | dcalicchio@glendale.edu |
CONTACT INFO, POLICE | | Police | | police@glendale.edu |
CONTACT POLICE, EMERGENCY | | Police | | police@glendale.edu |
CORNNER, RYAN | AD 106 | Superintendent%2FPresident%20Office | ext. 5105 | rcornner@glendale.edu |
CHIA, DIANE | AD 118 | Accounting | ext. 5212 | dchia@glendale.edu |
CORTES, AMIE | AD 128 | Payroll | ext. 5142 | acortes@glendale.edu |
CHIL-GEVORKYAN, MEG | AD 151 | Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development | ext. 5473 | vchilgev@glendale.edu |
CHAMROONRAT, PATRICIA | AD 212 | %20Marketing%2C%20Communications%20%26%20Public%20Information%2C%20Communications%20and%20Community%20Relations | ext. 5732 | chamroon@glendale.edu |
CANELA, MARISELA | AD 246 | %20Student%20Services%20Division%2C%20Career%20Education%20and%20Workforce%20Development%2C%20Counseling%20%28Academic%29 | ext. 5847 | mcanela@glendale.edu |