2023-2024 Directory (pdf)
[Note: Adjunct faculty contact information is listed on the GCC online directory.]
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Name | Location | Div/Depts | Ext/phone | Email |
KAYZAKIAN, YVETTE | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Applications%20and%20Business%20Office%20Technologies | | ykayzaki@glendale.edu |
HARMON, KAREN | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Accounting%20%28Academic%29 | | kharmon@glendale.edu |
DANIELSON, ERIC | | %20Business%20Division%2C%20Computer%20Science%20Information%20Systems | | edd@glendale.edu |
YEFREMIAN, ANDRE | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Anthropology | | ayefremi@glendale.edu |
SCHWARTZ, JASON | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Chemistry | ext. 1415 | jasons@glendale.edu |
LIDDIARD, ROB | | %20ESL%20Credit%20Division | | robl@glendale.edu |
BARDENS, BEN | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Graphic%20Art | ext. 1028 | bbardens@glendale.edu |
ZARCONE, JOHN | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art | ext. 1509 | jzarcone@glendale.edu |
ATTEBERY, CRAIG | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art | ext. 1016 | craiga@glendale.edu |
THOMPSON, DEBRA | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Art%20History | ext. 1456 | debrat@glendale.edu |
HUGHES, MARY-LINN | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Photography | ext. 1210 | mhughes@glendale.edu |
KIBLER, ROBERT | | %20Visual%20%26%20Performing%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Ceramics | ext. 1407 | rkibler@glendale.edu |
HOLLAND, KATHLEEN | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Political%20Science | ext. 1207 | kholland@glendale.edu |
MARASHLIAN, LEVON | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20History%2C%20Political%20Science | ext. 5463 | levonm@glendale.edu |
FONAROW, WENDY | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Anthropology | ext. 3949 | wfonarow@glendale.edu |
LININGER, BETTY | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Geography | | liningba@gmail.com |
PARKER, STEVEN | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Sociology | | sparker@glendale.edu |
MAIER, MARK | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Economics | | mmaier@glendale.edu |
HENDERSON, WAYNE | | %20Physical%20Science%20Division%2C%20Geology%2C%20Oceanography | | wayneh@glendale.edu |
BOWERMAN, ROGER | | %20Social%20Sciences%20Division%2C%20Ethnic%20Studies%2C%20History | | bowerman@glendale.edu |
STATHIS, PETER | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | pstathis@glendale.edu |
MARSDEN, STEVE | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | smarsden@glendale.edu |
HOLMES, KATHLEEN | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | kholmes@glendale.edu |
BUDARIN, DMITRI | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | dbudarin@glendale.edu |
ONG, HAI | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | hong@glendale.edu |
GIRARDI, LOURDES | | %20Language%20Arts%20Division%2C%20Division%20Chair%2C%20Spanish | | lgirardi@glendale.edu |
BARSEGYAN, ANAIT | | %20Mathematics%20Division%2C%20Mathematics | | anabars@glendale.edu |
LOPEZ, ROBERT | | %20Technology%20%26%20Aviation%20Division%2C%20Fire%20Technology | ext. 1273 | rlopez@glendale.edu |
SHADE, STEPHEN | | %20English%20Division | | sshade@glendale.edu |
WATKINS, VITA | | %20English%20Division | ext. 1516 | vwatkins@glendale.edu |
EGAN, PATRICK | | %20English%20Division | | pegan@glendale.edu |
BARRIO-SOTILLO, RAMONA | | Instructional%20Services | ext. 5056 | rbarrio@glendale.edu |