2020 Cycle

Resource requests for the 2020 Program Review cycle (for 2021-2022 Budget) are to be prioritized and rated based on college priorities listed below.

 Institutional Master Plan 2018-2025

  • Goal A. Clarify Student Pathways
    • Create accessible pathways and meta-majors informed by data ensuring that student completion is the primary basis of course and program development.
    • Communicate pathways, meta-majors, and potential occupational and educational outcomes internally to credit and noncredit students and campus constituencies.
    • Communicate pathways, meta-majors, and potential occupational and educational outcomes externally to high school students and counselors as well as universities, workforce partners, and the community.
    • Analyze labor market information regularly and systematically to support the development of new CTE programs meeting student and industry needs and the currency of existing CTE programs.
  • Goal B. Facilitate Student Entry into Pathways
    • Promote access by expanding outreach to prospective traditional and nontraditional students, including expansion of dual enrollment partnerships and effective use of branding.
    • Enhance processes and technological tools to assist students in choosing pathways, including increased access to counseling at all locations and online.
    • Maximize accessibility into appropriate pathways through class scheduling and improved student awareness of scheduling patterns and pathways.
    • Improve the effectiveness of external and internal communication about the value of college, its relationship to job and transfer opportunities, and the value of GCC programs.
    • Improve course placement (e.g., multiple measures assessment, corequisite remediation, articulation from noncredit and high school) and student transition from precollege to college-level courses.
  • Goal C. Help Students Stay on Pathways
    • Explore alternative curricular methods to improve student retention and progress (e.g., backwards design, competency-based education, assessment of prior learning).
    • Improve student engagement through increased support for student life at all campuses (e.g., student clubs and campus events, as well as other collaborative efforts and activities).
    • Investigate the use of and implement achievement coaches (e.g., student services technicians) to improve student retention and progress.
    • Improve student retention through early alert, intrusive interventions, flexibility of pathways, and improved awareness of services available to students.
    • Expand online student support services. 
    • Lower costs associated with being a student (e.g., Open Educational Resources, implementing the California College Promise).
  • Goal D. Ensure Student Learning
    • Reduce gaps in achievement, learning, and completion among student groups to ensure equity and improve outcomes.
    • Increase dialog about learning outcomes and use assessment results to ensure strong linkage to Institutional Learning Outcomes, meta-majors, and expectations of employers and transfer institutions.
    • Invest in innovation and professional development for student services and instructional pedagogy (e.g., active learning, contextualized learning, project-based learning, culturally relevant pedagogy) for student engagement, learning, and retention.
    • Work with K-12, noncredit, and transfer partners to maximize matriculation, articulation, and applicability of credits.
    • Increase effectiveness of distance education, including improving student access to it and the support of faculty in content creation, online pedagogy, alignment with statewide online education standards, and instructional design.
  • Goal E. Improve Operational Effectiveness
    • Integrate enterprise systems to increase efficiency in areas such as budgeting, personnel evaluation tracking, etc.
    • Increase employee awareness of available resources and services for students so students are directed appropriately.
    • Clarify resource allocation process and more tightly integrate the processes with planning and budgeting.
    • Increase and improve professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to develop technology skills and other topics prioritized by the Institutional Master Plan.
    • Evaluate and maintain the currency and security of technology available to students and employees, including expanded support of BYOD (“bring your own devices”).
    • Maintain and improve learning spaces in all buildings.
    • Ensure safe, student-friendly, clean, functional, and physically accessible campuses for students (e.g., signage, directories, and working with bus schedules).
    • Ensure effective implementation of automatic awards.


 Annual Goals 2021

from IMP Goal A: Clarify Student Pathways 

  • IMP A.4. Analyze labor market information regularly and systematically to support the development of new CTE programs meeting student and industry needs and the currency of existing CTE programs.

from IMP Goal B: Facilitate Student Entry into Pathways

  • IMP B.3. Maximize accessibility into appropriate pathways through class scheduling and improved student awareness of scheduling patterns and pathways. 
  • IMP B.4. Improve the effectiveness of external and internal communication about the value of college, its relationship to job and transfer opportunities, and the value of GCC programs.

from IMP Goal C: Help Students Stay on Pathways

  • IMP C.1. Explore alternative curricular methods to improve student retention and progress (e.g. backwards design, competency-based education, assessment of prior learning).
  • IMP C.4. Improve student retention through early alert, intrusive interventions, flexibility of pathways, and improved awareness of services available to students.
  • IMP.C.5. Expand online student support services.

from IMP Goal D: Ensure Student Learning

  • IMP D.1. Reduce gaps in achievement, learning, and completion among student groups to ensure equity and improve outcomes.
  • IMP D.5. Increase effectiveness of distance education, including improving student access to it and the support of faculty in content creation, online pedagogy, alignment with statewide online education standards, and instructional design.

from IMP Goal E: Improve Operational Effectiveness

  • IMP E.4. Increase and improve professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to develop technology skills and other topics prioritized by the Institutional Master Plan.

from Guided Pathways Work Plan

  • Improve technology infrastructure to provide tools supporting proactive, integrated student support services.
  • Improve support for the assessment of learning outcomes and the accessibility of information about attainment of learning outcomes.
  • Increase opportunities for applied and contextualized learning that is coordinated among programs.


 Instructional Priorities 2021
  • Improve course scheduling to meet student needs for achieving their educational goals and to improve efficiency
  • Support the development of distance education
  • Increase success rates for underperforming and traditionally underrepresented students
  • Work with the Academic Senate to promote the use of open educational resources
  • Create more effective pathways between noncredit and credit programs
  • Create a three-day delay between students' indication that they are considering dropping and the actual drop; inform counselors and/or instructors of classes to be dropped so that they can reach out to students to offer help or learn the reasons for the intended drop
  • Develop and expand engaging instructional practices, such as contextualized learning and high-impact practices
  • Create a plan to attract new credit and noncredit students; such a plan might include guided pathways, new learning communities, and a hybrid-oriented program similar to PACE
  • Assist faculty with the effective implementation of learning outcomes assessments