Frequently Asked Questions

What role does Glendale Community College play in our community?
What challenges does GCC face in preparing students for successful futures and the local workforce?
What is the state of facilities on the GCC campus?
How does Glendale Community College plan to address these challenges?
Specifically, what projects could Measure GCC fund?
How do we know funds from Measure GCC would be spent wisely?
How much would Measure GCC cost?
What is the difference between assessed value and market value?
Would all funds benefit Glendale Community College only?
When would I be able to vote on Measure GCC?
What level of support would Measure GCC need to pass?
Didn’t we already pass a bond measure to improve Glendale Community College?

How can I learn more? 

As GCC plans for the future, please share your thoughts, priorities and questions at to learn more.