Computer Science & Information Systems Industry Pathway

Explore the top careers in Computer Science and Information Systems to see if a degree or certificate in this field is right for you!
Types of Employers

Fortune 500 Companies

Water Departments

Surveying Companies

Technology Companies

IT Departments

Video Game Companies

Marketing/Research Firms

Independent Businesses and Organizations

How to Get There

Graduate School: Research the education and prerequisites needed for your chosen career. Advanced degrees may be necessary for various careers or for better information and knowledge.

Volunteer Experience: Volunteer subject knowledge or computer skills to various programs on and off campus. Look at the chance to tutor (could be paid), a self-starter project, a club, or a nonprofit.

Internships: Seek an opportunity in your chosen field at a variety of organizations.

Mentorship and Networking: Build a network of professionals and find a professional or professor to be a mentor as you move along in your journey.

Computer Programming Experience: Start programming to build experience and gain more knowledge. Education is not necessary to start. Build the programming languages skills.

Industry Certifications or Licensing: Seek out proper certifications for your chosen field, through GCC or in the field.

Clubs and Organizations: Join on campus clubs and organizations or campus chapters of professional organizations.

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