New Student Counseling

Welcome to Glendale College! 

We encourage all new students to Glendale College to follow the pre-enrollment steps outlined in their Welcome email: complete the online orientation, review English/ESL and math placements, and meet with an academic counselor to discuss their academic goals and prepare a one- or two-semesters, short-term education plan (SEP).

Please review below guidelines for each type of new students enrolling this term and follow the directions matching your type.

First Time College Student
Previous College Student
Four-year University Student/Graduate
Personal Enrichment Student

Please call the Counseling office M-Th between 8am and 5pm, and Fr 9am to 3pm at 818.240.1000 ext 5918 to make a counseling appointment or visit webpage looking for the drop-in counseling link and connecting with a counselor online. Counseling appointments and drop-in counseling are available in-person or online (zoom).

Please be aware the Counseling staff is trying their best to accommodate all requests during high demand time periods, and we appreciate your patience and consideration.