First Steps Cards (4 cards based on declared (app) enrollment/ed goal):
1. New college students (no units)
a. Orientation, GPS?/AP, SEP, etc. (ECAP/group advisement), FYE/Summer Bridge
b. Priority registration
2. Dual enrollment students
a. Orientation/STDV101?
3. New students to GCC or returning
a. Individual appointments, transcripts/prereqs
4. Personal dev./exempt students
a. Individual appts if needed.
Explore GCC (all)
Financial Resources/Paying for College (all)
Prepare for the Semester
a. Portal, SIS, Email, Canvas,
Academic Resources
a. Application/documentation upload/individual appt.
Vets (based on app info)
a. Documentation/individual appt.
ESL (based on app info)
a. GPS